On Meeting Her

The girl in the pale blue dress stood alone,
By the mountain’s crest amidst the snow,
Glittering like diamonds in spring’s chill air.

On that mountain, my aching heart awoke,
To her bright eyes sparkling with kindness,
And luminous smile that warmed my soul.

As saxifrage emerged from her winter’s bed,
Beside the stream that to the fjord flowed,
I stood in contemplation as if entranced.

I yearned to know the measure of her feelings,
Would they echo mine as truly as the fjord’s
Reflection of the mountain, snow, and sky?

She was a glorious constellation all her own,
Would my aspiring and tender heart suffice,
To win her affection and warm embrace?

The mountains knew but held their breath,
That if she would be with me, as I hoped,
I might find love as sweet as ever known.

Photo: Author


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