
This poem is dedicated to my wife. It is written in iambic pentameter to give the poem a contemplative tone. ‘Beyond my reach’ refers to the sun passing below the horizon. The words ‘I survey six’ refers to my choosing six stars to ‘shoot’, to obtain a position using a navigator’s sextant. 


The sun descends beyond my reach to yield,
And leaves the cooling ashes of the day,
The most sublime of hues are now revealed,
A worthy aspect for some aspiring Manet.

I stand my lonely watch beneath that sky,
Across that calm and tranquil sea, we plough,
With none to witness our sailing by,
Except for distant, cargo-laden dhows.

The twilight lifts her sheer, translucent veil,
And brings my constant, faithful friends to me,
And from among that host, I survey six
Blessed stars to guide me, west across the sea.

The full moon bathes the ship in silvered light,
And I reflect upon my passing day,
Among those fleeting shadows of the night,
My longing thoughts of Anne ne’er far away.

Photo: Rafael Garcin on Unsplash  


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